Sunday, March 22, 2015

How JARHEAD killed the LAMP stack

The term LAMP stack was coined in 1998. It commonly includes the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP service, and the MySQL relational database. P stands for PHP as the programming language, although the letter has also been applied to include Perl and Python. Importantly, all of these components are free and open source.

Much has changed since then, and LAMP was declared dead as early as 2012. A recent informal survey of my portfolio startups has confirmed this new reality:

  • Everything Javascript (Backbone, Ember, Angular.js) and Ruby at the front end
  • Apple  iOS and Android on the mobile side
  • Ruby and node.js at the backend; Python not far behind.
  • Heroku is most popular compute platform, followed by EC2 followed by Azure
  • Database of choice: PostgreSQL. There also is some use of MySQL and MongoDB, but not much.

In short: The LAMP stack is dead, and a JARHEAD is the killer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christian,
    Firstly, thank you for the valuable post. Can you suggest a place where the JARHEAD stack tutorials be found (all in one place) and also any eCommerce apps which use this stack.
